This Church was born from the Bible Baptist Church Bournemouth: Bible Baptist Church Poole (; This is where it all started and where it all continues, with the Word. We are a new independent Bible-believing Baptist Church in the city of Bath, in Southwest England. We open every Sunday morning for an all age preaching service at 8:30am. You will be fed with so much Bible! Our Bible studies will be tremendously thorough and easily understandable, covering theological basics and verse-by-verse commentaries. The King James Bible will be preached. We sing classic hymns from the 'Great Hymns of the Faith' hymnal.
Evangelise the lost, in obedience to the great commission found in Mark 16:15, by street preaching, distributing gospel leaflets, and door-to-door visitation.
Edify the saints, by 'rightly dividing the word of truth', according to 2 Timothy 2:15 - teaching Bible doctrine from a dispensational perspective.
Glorify the Saviour, according to 1 Corinthians 6:20, with our life as a witness to the wonderful grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Street preach, Proverbs 1:20-24, Proverbs 8, Isaiah 58:1, Acts 17: 19-34. All OT Prophets and the Apostles of the NT preached in the open air and can be seen by reading the OT and the book of Acts and the Pauline Epistles.
Pastor was born again on the 18th of April 1982. It was a Sunday morning and the Lord had been dealing with him about being saved for several months. He had just turned 17 and knew that he was lost and on his way to hell for his sin. He did not have to be convinced he was a sinner. He was convinced and knew he was. At the end of the service, he told Pastor Johnson that he needed to be saved and he asked the youth leader to show him how to be saved. He told the Lord that he believed He died for him and was buried and rose again the third day to take away his sins. He said he knew for his sins he deserved hell and did not want to go. He asked the Lord to forgive him of his sin and to come into his heart and be his Saviour. He did.
2 Timothy 1:7
Copyright © 2024 Bible Baptist Church - All Rights Reserved.
We are the only non-Calvinist, KJV, independent, Baptist, Bible believing church in Bath.